Every two years biggest event for Freestyle Kayakers is taking place. World Championships gather best kayakers from all around the world to compete for the title of the best kayaker in the World. This year the event is taking place at famous Ottawa river at Garburator. This year there are over 200 competitors from 29 countries who arrived to beatiful Ottawa valley.
I've arrived here two weeks ago and loved this place and area ever since. I got kindly invited to my friend's house who became my family for the time of the stay. Thanks Kennedys for great time ! With Kalem & Quinton we were training at every moment we could trying to hit the least busy time at the eddy. My favorite part were our night sessions with lights beside the bank and despite adventures like loosing a paddle and helmet it was definetly super fun and worth it! In days there were more and more people arriving so it was more busy and aswell to our crew joined Zach Zwanenburg & Andreu Oxly. Together we were training hard as much as we could. When the official trainings started we got split into country groups - we had our trainings with Spain, Argentina, South Korea, Slovakia & Finland. We've had an hour per around 20 kayakers which turned out to be around 5 rides each. If you had bad time of the day - then the rafting companies were getting through. Last day we had 5 of groups going through ! Anyway, it was time to put your rides together. For K1M I hope to get my runs which would put me through to the next round. Although I'm not a wave paddler I really love the wave here and sometimes i got really solid rides. I'm also again competing in squirt category - which this time turned out to be crazy story! First i got to paddle 25 years old school boat which i borrowed from Kennedies, and then I've met Ian Thomson who actually borrowed me his new style boat which i could sink pretty well! So I'm really looking forward for the competition now! We will see how much of flatwater i can pull off in that sweetie. Anyway, This year I'm very chillde about starts and feeling good, I hope i can keep it that way and do my best at competition!
Today Opening ceremonies happened. It was nice parade through town of Beachburg followed by welcoming ceremony with alot of folklore entertainments and performances of locals.
So, to follow the worlds, here is link to schedule:
All the squirts are happening tomorrow - on Monday, so I hope to be on all day. And K1M starts on Wednesday, keep your thumbs!
Here is link to livestreaming
Check out all the photos from training and hanging around!
making pizza with lads |
Flash Back! |
Air screw |
Air screw |
Night Pan am! |
Looking for flash back! |
Cleaning it up |
Air screw at night session |
Sunset at lake! |
Going down the river in squirt boat, this thing is super fast and river is so beatiful! |
He definetly likes my camera, thanks for videos bro! |
Chillin with Lucas |
music & proper gear changer! |
Lovin night sessions with Lads! |
Official mascot! |
Morning session |
Morning session! |
Go Poland & Canada! |
Squirtin session with Brittish, thanks Alex for help! |
Valley above Garb! |
Ninja! |
Lads & Ladies! "we are athletes, that's a serious deal!" |
Opening Ceremony |
And for those who haven't seen that yet and managed to go through all the pictures - ky to raft bonus!
KY link raft bonus |