So ! The most important thing for meee !
I finally got my own carbon boat! Which is awesome! It's super light, everything i tried was super easier, carves are allowing me to get each move super easy without nearly any power needed! It flies soo much higher and linking any moves is super easy now!
Unfortunetly i had spine injury and i was out from trainings for month.. I haven't finished outfiting my boat yet when it came to competition.
LooP was held in Zabierzow as every year. This competition were organised really good thought not everybody came, but those who couldn't should regret it alot! At my prelims ride my screw ripped of and i had 2nd ride without back of my seat but still did over 1000 points! That boat is blast! I was leading after prelims with some advantage but unfortunatly i didn't manage to defend my position and title at finals. Althought i was looking for gold i can't say i'm dissapointed, I'm still getting used to speed of my Cow and got some outfiting to finish. Those were good competition, thanks for organisators.
Now, I've put myself quest which is actually pretty hard and needs alot of time but I'm sure I will manage to accomplish it. My quest is to find places to train freestyle kayaking in Poland. Any that i find i will describe here at my blog.
So far it started around middle of february. With -7 degrees outside i went to Dobczyce just 20km away from Cracow where i live. There is dam and water power station. I was given a picture of something which might be a nice hole so i had to check it! From the bank i already figured that's it's pretty weak one, but I had to give it a try. So after warm up I jumped at my Cow. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad but unfortunatly it was super shallow! It gave my Cow few ugly scartches so after few more entries i gave it up also becouse water and weather were freezing! Still i managed to handle there for like 30 min.
Next trip was at last sunday. My buddy from Czestochowa shown me once at party pretty interesting place so as soon as i got nice weather I went to visit him!
I took my friend Madek who was taking some nice pictures and Mikołaj who was same as Madek interested in kayaking also we had Gosia with us but it wasn't her first try with freestyle ;).
The hole is very deep, and lookis wide! Unfortunatly it has only one tide 'hole' at whole length where i were able to make some moves, at other places i was sucked at side immedietly which actually made this place a bit dangerous so i'd recommend it only for experienced kayakers who has perfected both sides of standing up. And here again my Cow has shown her blastness! Each putting my nouse down and starting to wheel was super easy! Boat did few cartwheels for me by itself! Making anything was atleast twice faster then before ! All jumps were big even without strong pushing up from the hole! (It's pretty hard to Loop there becouse at beggining it's not pushing you up becouse it's pretty weak at this and when you want to land a jump you will probably hit the green water)
Now, most amazing thing for me. I did , no, it wasn't me. My boat did lunar orbit for me! That was awesome! I did it for the first time! and it was so perfect! Unfortunatly video camera wasn't set up yet and i didn't manage to repeat it later but still it was cool! I'm sure that thanks to this boat i will be able to do it very soon!
After that I trained Gosia, Madek, Mikołaj and also my buddy from Czestochowa Thomas. Everyone enjoyed it alot which made me very happy !
Now, what's next ? Well, i've big big plans! I hope to leave after Easter and train for World championships and then travel from competition to competition! In few days all should be clear how much of those plans i will be able to complete.
See ya soon!
Here are few photos from Czestochowa!
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