
I've been coaching on various level since 2010 working with national teams for Czech, Austria, Ireland and Russia. With my work expanding I've run my own junior team section in 2014 which pupils are in top of junior classes in Europe regulary taking medals in top competitions. 

From 2011 I've been working for  teaching whitewater kayaking. This year we are expanding together running kayak school under where you will be able to find :

- stationary kayak camps for kayakers III+-IV in styria region
- international kayak camps for levels I-IV and III-IV+, one running each month in different country!
- Freestyle development camps for begginers and pros, dates arrangable at private requests.

If you are interested you can contact me for more details on those at email adress!

Coaching for Kanu Club Graz 2017

Coaching for Hydrostacja 2017